In the modern political discourse the term of the
Democracy and the Civil Society hugely used. In the socio-political discourse
of Bangladesh
where Civil Society is considered as a new concept there is no consensus on its
scope and premiere. The most commonplace view about Civil Society is that it
compromises non-governmental, non-profit, non-political organizations and
associations that exist to promote multiple interests of groups of citizen
.These groups include the organs of press and broadcasting, trade unions,
religions, sports, environment community hobbies and other various
organizations representing the interest of the aged or the
Democracy is also well known in Bangladesh since the British colonial rule and
Pakistani rule because through the general election of 1954 and 1970 Bangladesh
enjoys the result of Democracy and for that she was thirsty for the
independence and tries to ensure the Public rule in the name of Democracy.
The Meaning and definition of Democracy
Democracy is coming (derived) from the two Greek
words, Demos and kratos or Kratia. Demos mean Public and kratos
or kratia means Power of Rule. So, in Toto it means Public power rule.
Professor Seely said that, “Democracy is a
government in which everyone has a share.” And Professor Dicey said that,”
Democracy is a system of government in which governing body is a comparatively
large fraction of the total population.”
According to Professor C.F Strong,” Democracy
implies that government which shall rest on active consent of the governed.
Best definition of Democracy is given by the
Ex-President Abraham Linckon of America.
He said that,” Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for
the people.”
Now we can say that Democracy is not a way of
governing, whether by majority or otherwise, but primarily a way of determining
who shall govern and broadly, to what ends.
Types of Democracy
Two types of Democracy (a) Direct Democracy (It is
absent in the present world except Switzerland) and (b) Indirect or
Representative Democracy (more or less it is present all over the world and the
people of modern world are thirsty for the democracy).
The characteristics of Democracy
Now I would like to present here some
characteristics of Democracy to clear the notion of Democracy. They are alike:
Public Rights to be protected by law
Multi-Party system
Independence of
Rule of Law
Change of power by the democratic way
Independence of
Vote of Rights
Good governance
Transparency in Administration and
Accountability of all organization of
Checks and Balance among the different
Ensure the Fundamental rights and human
rights of mass people
And Public oriented government to serve
the nation and country
The Problems of Democracy
Though democracy has many good aspects but it is not
above the criticism or problems. Democracy has many problems (demerits of
democracy) in all over the world. Now I would like to present here these kinds
of problems in accordance to Bangladesh….
It is a governing system of short term
To direct the state it spends huge money
of the state
There is absent of the long term project
Sometimes it involves into the one party
Illiterate, terrorist and anti-social
people elected as a member of the parliament by gaining the majority support
It is unable to take the rapid decision
or to change radically
It creates the parochial party based
And creates the tail-based politics in
the different organs and institutions of the state
Meaning and Definition of Civil Society
By analyzing a number of historical and contemporary
documents, the researchers have found that defining the concept of Civil
Society has always been contentious and it has become quite fashionable today.
The different social and political thinkers have used the concept of Civil
Society from the days of Hegel, Marx and this now. Although the concept of
Civil Society has become a buzzword for political scientist, practitioners and
for development agencies, it has taken about two thousand and five hundred
years to come to its contemporary connotation. Primarily, the major
breakthrough in the fruition of this concept has been made by Hegel’s
Philosophy of Right and of State, and Marx’s early writings including
Economic and Philosophical Manuscript of 1844. However, the concept of and
meaning of Civil Society becomes clear
by the hands of Adam Ferguson, a Scottish Enlightenment thinker of the 18th
century through his celebrated work titled’ an essay on the History of Civil
Society’, first published in 1767(Sen,2001).
Generally Civil Society is viewed as a sphere of
association in society in distinction to the state, involving a network of
institutions through which society and groups within it represent themselves in
cultural, ideological and political senses (Ali, 2006). Sen2001 argues that in
Sociology the terms society, state and Civil Society comprise a thematic
theoretical construction where society indicates a network of social
relationships which includes both state and Civil Society (Sen2001).
During the 18th century the notion of
Civil Society was introduced by political theorist as a domain parallel to, but
separate from the state (Ghush-Pasha, 2004). This means the concept of Civil
Society is indicates something more than political society or the state
(Bottomore, 1963:p.15; c.f Sen, 2001). Regarding this view Sen considers Civil
Society as the structure of socialization, association and organized form of
communication to the extent that these are institutionalized or are the process
of being institutionalized.
An Italian Marxist Gramsci gives a political theory
of notion of v Civil Society and hegemony. He imagines that Civil Society is
the location where the state operates to reinforce invisible, intangible and
subtle forms of power, through educational cultural and religious systems and
other institutions. Gramsci’s conceptualization of Civil Society is accordingly
Hegelian (Kabir, 2002). He also emphasizes that institutions of the Civil
Society are outer earth works of the state. It is through the same the ruling
classes maintain their dominance in society (Ali, 2001).
History of Civil Society and Democracy in Bangladesh
Civil Society and Democracy both terms are used in
this sub-continent from the British Colonial rule. To ensure the Democracy the
British Naval officer Alan Auctovian Hume supported the Indian’s people to make
the political party. In 1885 the Indian National Congress Party was
established. And in 1906 the Muslim League Party also established. Through these
two political parties subcontinent started to enjoy the democracy. And these
two political parties have a huge contribution to make two independent
In Bangladesh
it is established by the election of 1954 and 1970. And then Democracy is going
on but sometimes it is fall in danger by the autocratic rule and military rule
which is known as unconstitutional government. The people of Bangladesh enjoy the Representative
form of government. They can elect the government by applying the vote of
Civil Society is very ancient term in subcontinent
because it is continuing with the progress of civilization. But it is hugely
known in this area since the British rule. And it is established in Bangladesh by the academician after the
independence of Bangladesh.
The former chief justice Mahmud Hassan also
expresses his view by arguing that the military, the police, the individual,
the bureaucracy, the political parties and the market are forms of the concept
of civil society (Kabir, 2002). The former President of Bangladesh Shahbuddin
Ahmeds has given an idea about The Civil Society in the context of Bangladeshi
society. His definition includes both the unorganized as well the professional
groups as members of the civil society.
In Bangladesh,
the state still interferes in the human rights and personal life of the
individual. Indeed, the state failed to bring different political paths in one
platform. Here class based politics is weak as well as hatred and disregard
prevails among people about religion based politics (Majumder, 1998).
Characteristics of Civil Society
The key features of the successful civil societies
emanating from various definitions including separation from the state and
market; formed by the people when have common needs, interests and values like
tolerance, inclusion, co-operation and equality; and development through a
fundamentally endogenous and autonomous process which cannot easily be controlled from outside(Ghaus-pasha,2004).
Whereas Gramsci had been interest in the role of The Civil Society in
co-operating with the political apparatus of the state to make capitalism
politically viable, contemporary liberal democratic analysis concentrates on
the role of The Civil Society in keeping the state in check (Khan,
2000). The Civil Society is thus a hazy concept not clear to all.
So, now I would like to present here some
characteristics of Civil Society. They are alike: ----
Non-governmental and
Non-Profitable organization
Organized to promote general people’s
To create pressure in decision making of
Create pressure to government to make
Public oriented Public Policy
The problems of the Civil Society
The Civil Society has many good aspects but it is
not above the criticism and problems. The Civil Society of Bangladesh has many
problems. Now, I would like to present here some problems of The Civil Society
in accordance to Bangladesh:
There is a debate about the income of
The Civil Society
Sometimes many anti-social people take
the support of The Civil Society
What is their main duty to the state it
is not clear to the mass people
· Someone claim that The Civil Society is
the agent of the international donor agencies and corporate groups
Sometimes The Civil Society is biased by
the different political parties
The division of The Civil Society is
very dangerous for the development of the political stability
The relationship between Democracy and Civil Society
There is a deep relation between these two modern
political discourses and sometimes they are interdependent. Democracy is
established by the support and the direction of the civil society. The Civil
Society has a great influence to ensure the Democracy in any type of country.
Because they can aware the mass people by their writings, speech and activities.
General people follow the instruction of The Civil Society according to demand
of time and place. The Civil Society can spread their thinking and thought by
the help of Media. That’s why Media is known as the fourth pillar of the state.
Where is Democracy there is The Civil Society.
Without Democracy no one can think about the Civil Society. Because democracy
ensures the freedom of speech, freedom of movement and freedom of associations.
Recommendation to resolve the problems
As a student of the M.S.S programme, I would like to
present here some recommendations to reduce the above problems of The Civil
Society and Democracy. They are alike: ----
To ensure the proper democracy and the
system of The Civil Society Education should be spread all over the country
To ensure the actual democracy the
political parties must have good understanding among themselves
They must have to reduce the parochial
thinking and thought to ensure the development
They have to believe each other
political activities
The Civil Society have to be more public
oriented to be trusted to the general people
State shall have no interference into
the functions of The Civil Society
Political party should have reduce their
mistrust about The Civil Society
And to create an environment where democracy
and The Civil Society can work freely to ensure the human rights.
Concluding remarks
At the end of this discussion, I would like to say
that The Civil Society and democracy are the two major political terms. To
ensure the real development of our beloved Bangladesh we have to work
together. The people of Bangladesh
achieve their desire independence by sacrificing their lives and blood. So, it
cannot be desire of present generation to work against the independence.
To make a clear concept of the Civil Society and
democracy people of Bangladesh
should be educated and dedicated about these terms and terminologies. We have
to be more conscious about these modern political discourses. And then we can
be more successful.
1. Social Science Review-2010, (Page: 1 to 10)
2. Ali, A.M.M Shawkat (2006) “Are Civil Societies
born or created” The New Age, 7th September, 2006
3. Ghaus-Pasha (2004) “Role of Civil Society
organization in Governance”
4. Kabir, Mohammad Humayun (2002) “ The state of the
Civil Society in Bangladesh”.
5. Khan, Mushtaq (2000) “ The Role of Civil Society
and patron-client networks in the Analysis of corruption”, European Journal of
Development Research.
6. Majumder, Shantanu (1998) Role of Civil Society
in Bangladesh:
An Overview”. Social Science Review, vol. xv. No 2, page 133 to 141
7. Sen, Rangalal (2001) “An Evolution of the Western
Concept of Civil Society from Plato to the Present: An appraisal”. The Dhaka
Universities Studies, June, 2001
Democracy and Civil Society in Bangladesh
-- Md. Helal Uddin